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Contact Us

Would you like to know what we have available?  Please answer the questions below when inquiring about vacancies so we know what your preferences are.  We have separate buildings for people with no pets and some buildings that we allow pets, so it is essential to know if you have a pet or if you plan to get a pet.   


1.) Desired move-in date? 


2.) What type of attached garage do you prefer?   (One Car, Two Car, or No Preference)


3.) What floor level do you prefer?  (1st Floor, 2nd Floor, or No Preference)


4.) Do you prefer to be in a non-pet building)  (Yes, No, or No Preference)


5.) How many adults will be occupying the home?


6.) How many children will be occupying the home?


7.) How many dogs and what breed will be occupying the home?


8.) How many cats will be occupying the home?


Thank you,


Mark & Dawn Halliburton

On-site Owners

(920) 979-2731 (mobile)

Please submit email below. 

Thanks for submitting it!


Mark & Dawn Halliburton

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